Dear AACA Parents and Caregivers:
As our regular school year comes to an end on June 1, 2020; we are preparing to continue distance learning for ESY beginning June 8, 2020. We are also working hard to prepare for the 2020-21 academic school year, which is set to begin this Fall in August. Right now, we have no information from the California Department of Education or County Public Health on what guidelines we will have to follow, assuming we’re allowed to reopen our campuses. We receive our direction from these agencies and then work with our contracting school districts and SELPAS to develop plans that are as consistent as possible. As we sit in this wait-and-see position, we know that our neighboring districts are in the same place. We are preparing for several different scenarios for the coming year, which include a normal return to school, a hybrid model (Distance Learning and in-person combined), a staggered attendance schedule, and a Distance Learning model. If we have to remain with Distance Learning, please know that it will be conducted with a focus on structure and consistency, and that we will work closely with our teachers, providers, and support staff to make sure they are comfortable and supported with these modes of instruction. Until we receive our guidelines from the county and state agencies, we do not know which direction we are pursuing. Because we know that every other district/school is in the same position, please understand that any information you might have heard about districts or schools having a set plan for next year is simply not true. As we have more concrete information to share with our AACA families, we will share it. As always, make sure that your email addresses are current in your child’s files and on remind also know that you can check on our website for updates, as well as, our social media for the most current information available.
Additionally, AACA Administration will be scheduling “town hall” meetings with our parents/caregivers so that we can answer questions and hear your concerns. In the interest of privacy, please know that if you have student specific questions you may email your site administrator at any time, otherwise our meetings will be more of an open forum.
As always, stay well and be safe.
AACA Administrative team