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COVID 19 July 8th Update, Return to Onsite Instruction


Dear Parent/Caregiver:

Happy 4th of July. As of this point in time, AACA plans to return to an onsite learning model this August, when the Fall 2020 semester is set to begin. Please keep in mind that things may change in accordance with any state issued orders which may come down in the future. That having been said, the Governor, CDE, and California Department of Health have set forth mandatory guidelines for onsite learning, which AACA will enforce without exception. Our adherence to guidelines is of paramount importance to keep staff, students, and their families as safe as possible while delivering curriculum and services in vivo.

The guidelines will include but not be limited to the following:

Passive Screening: Parents/caregivers will need to screen their students before leaving for school (check temperature to ensure temperatures below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, and observe for symptoms such as runny nose, cough, diarrhea etc.) If any of these are occurring, students will need to remain at home. Additionally, if parents/caregivers have knowledge that students have been exposed to a known person with COVID19, they will need to remain home for 2 weeks for a period of quarantine.

Active Screening: AACA personnel will Engage in symptom screening as students enter campus and buses, consistent with public health guidance, which includes visual wellness checks and temperature checks with no-touch thermometers (check temperature to ensure temperatures below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit), and ask all students, parents, caregivers about COVID-19 symptoms within the last 24 hours and whether anyone in their home has had COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test; as applicable. If a student is found to be running a fever or exhibiting described symptoms, they will be asked to return/remain home and follow CDC/AACA guidelines for a safe return to campus.

AACA will be taking active measures in accordance with the mandated Guidelines for re-opening schools as it relates to staff, classroom sanitizing, and social distancing. Our school sites will be appropriately stocked with sanitizer, hand washing stations, masks, gloves, and face shields. Personnel will be following the same rules for being allowed to be on site to perform their jobs. Administration will be mandating that they participate in active screening prior to each shift and continual observation through out shifts to ensure that any personnel who may be symptomatic is asked to leave or turned away prior to an assigned shift when appropriate. All staff will be wearing masks, gloves when appropriate, washing hands frequently throughout the day and using hand sanitizer throughout the day.

Because AACA school sites maintain small enrollment, we have the ability to ensure that students are placed 6 feet away from each other. Family style eating during lunch will unfortunately no longer happen. Classrooms, restrooms, clinics, and offices will be sanitized throughout the school day and nightly using high-tech fog cleaners that have been purchased to sanitize to the highest standard possible.

In the event of a COVID19 outbreak within AACA student or staff population; or official notification of a local outbreak, AACA may elect to immediately respond by shifting to a distance learning model for 2 weeks to allow for the threat to pass. Our staff is ready to shift and respond rapidly should this be the case.

Prior to the return of your student, you will receive a packet. In order for your student to return to school for the Fall term, ALL documents will need to be filled out and signed. Due to the Global Pandemic and the serious circumstances we are dealing with, NO exceptions will be made. This is for the safety of all concerned. Please know and be prepared that if your Fall paperwork is not signed and returned to us within the specified deadlines your student WILL NOT be permitted to come to school on the first day of instruction at your AACA campus.

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