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COVID -19 3/25/20 Update


Dear AACA Parents & Caregivers:

I hope that this letter finds you all healthy and practicing good social distancing! At this point in time, AACA is moving to a Distance Learning Model in compliance with Federal, State and Local mandates. AACA will be utilizing the TEAMS application to create a virtual classroom setting for its students. We will also be using a digital learning platform called Unique, as a digital file cabinet where your student’s teachers can have work prepared for each student. Your student’s teacher will be reaching out to you (if they have not already done so) with your student’s own login information so that you may access this curriculum. AACA will also be sending out a USER GUIDE for parents and students to be able to access our virtual classrooms. If you have trouble accessing this system, AACA will be setting up appointments at our campuses or via zoom to walk you through any difficulties.. It is simply too difficult to troubleshoot over the phone. This is an easy application and very simple to navigate and it will offer students an opportunity to re-connect with teachers, providers, and classmates!

For those students who do not have either a laptop, desk top computer, tablet or smart phone, either your student’s district, or AACA may assist you in giving your student a “loaner” device. Please contact AACA administration at your campus to inquire if you find yourself in this situation. For those students who do not have ready access to wi-fi, learning packets will be sent to your home every 2 weeks. In fact, every student will be receiving packets every 2 weeks as a supplement to online learning. We want to make sure that every single AACA student is able to access his/her curriculum in some form or fashion while we are dealing with closure due to COVID-19. All AACA teachers will be reaching out to Parents either by phone or virtually, at least once per week to discuss better facilitation of programming.

For students who qualify for services such as Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language, Adapted Physical Education, Assistive Technology, Behavior Services, etc. AACA is also implementing remote service delivery. Our providers will also be using TEAM technology to deliver services to your accordance with their IEP. These services may include pushing into virtual classroom time, individual one on one time, or consulting with other members of your student’s team. Unfortunately, if your student does not have access to wi-fi, then our providers will be consulting with parents and other team members to offer support.

These are unprecedented times. Since we are all called to be “Safer at Home”, we must think outside the box, and collaborate with each other to offer your student their individualized curriculum to the best of our ability. Please make sure that your student has a quiet space to learn and your loving support! It is so important that parents and caregivers remain engaged in this process, as together we can achieve anything. In an effort to stay connected, please make sure that you are using the REMIND application to receive vital information from AACA administration. An invitation to use REMIND should have been sent to you by AACA operations. If you did not receive an invitation and need to get on board, please advise your campus administrator as soon as possible so that we can get the situation rectified.

Thank you all so much for your continued support and engagement in your student’s education. Stay healthy and we look forward to seeing all of our student’s faces once we are safely able to re-open our campuses.

AACA Administrative Team

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