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AACA Updated Covid Guidance


AACA Updated Guidance

Covid19 Dated 4/20/2022

This new guidance updates the following areas and goes into effect on May 4, 2022:

The definition of a COVID-19 close contact to be in alignment with updated California State guidance. Updated quarantine guidance to clarify that while asymptomatic students with an exposure are not required to quarantine, in order to remain on campus, they are required to test within 3-5 days after last exposure and mask around others, except while eating or drinking for 10 days after last exposure. These updated masking and testing requirements for asymptomatic exposed students will go into effect on May 4, 2022.

Details of the new guidance are as follows:

If a Covid positive student meets the criteria to leave isolation after Day 5, it is strongly recommended that they wear a highly protective mask around others, except when eating or drinking. Staff with COVID-19 are required to wear a highly protective mask in the workplace around others, except when eating or drinking, for 10 days after the positive test.

Close Contact: Persons are considered to have been exposed to a case (close contact) during the infectious period if they shared the same indoor airspace at school with the infected person for 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period. NOTE: persons with an outdoor exposure at school are not considered close contacts

Notification can be done using an individual notification method where individuals are notified of their exposure and actions to take. Refer to sample individual exposure notification letter (posted on for a model that can be adapted (see Template #2).

Notification may also occur using a group notification method where members of relevant groups in which exposure occurred (e.g., classmates, teammates, cohorts) are notified of their exposure as a group and actions to take. Refer to sample group tracing exposure notification letter (posted on for a model that can be adapted (see Template #3). Action for close contacts who are required to quarantine

The following close contacts are required to quarantine: - Asymptomatic staff who are not up to date on their COVID-19 vaccines (unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or fully vaccinated but not boosted if eligible*) - *NOTE: Asymptomatic fully vaccinated staff who are not boosted (if eligible) but required to quarantine may remain on site at the workplace (school) during the quarantine period, however they are required to test* once within 3-5 days after the last exposure date.

Unless they meet the criteria for remaining on site at school, staff close contacts who are required to quarantine must self-quarantine (stay in their home or another residence, separate from others) and monitor for symptoms as outlined in Quarantine and Other Instructions for Close Contacts.

The following close contacts are not required to quarantine provided they remain asymptomatic:

- Students, regardless of vaccination status

- Staff who are fully vaccinated and not eligible for a booster

- Staff who are fully vaccinated and boosted, if eligible

- *NOTE: Asymptomatic students and staff close contacts who were previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 within the last 90 days are not required to quarantine and exempt from testing, regardless of vaccination status.

• Close contacts who are not required to quarantine may remain on campus if they meet the following requirements: (1) monitor for symptoms; (2) wear a highly protective mask around others, except when eating or drinking, for 10 days after the last date of exposure; (3) test with an FDA-authorized viral COVID-19 test.

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