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12/31/2021 Updated Quarantine Guidance


Who is required to follow this new order: ALL individuals regardless of vaccination status, previous infection, or lack of symptoms, who have tested positive for or been diagnosed with Covid 19.

A person is considered to be diagnosed with Covid 19 based on one or both of the following criteria:

1. They received a positive viral test for Covid 19 and/or

2. A health care provider clinically suspects that they have Covid 19

If you have Covid 19 you are required to do the following:

a. Self-isolate for at least 5 days or longer

b. Identify your close contacts to your employer if contracted on the job

c. Advise your close contacts that they have been exposed and need to follow the instructions for a close contact.

d. Follow all CDC and/or employer instructions

1. Self isolate until you are not a risk for spreading Covid 19 to others: You, regardless of your vaccination status, previous Covid 19 infection, or lack of symptoms, must isolate yourself for at least 5 days and until you are no longer at risk for spreading Covid 19. Until that time you may not leave your residence except to receive the necessary medical care.

Duration of isolation

a. If you tested positive and HAVE symptoms you may only end your isolation after day 5 if:

· At least 5 days have passed since onset of symptoms and your symptoms have improved and you are fever free without use of fever reducing medications

· You have a negative Covid 19 viral test result from a specimen collected on day 5 or after.

b. If you tested positive for Covid 19 but did NOT have any symptoms you may only end your isolation after day 5 if

· At least 5 days have passed since your positive covid 19 viral test result was taken and you have remained free of symptoms

· You have a negative covid 19 viral test result from day 5 or later

c. If you are unable to test or choose not to test and symptoms are not present or are resolving, your isolation can end on day 10, however if you develop symptoms while you are isolated you must follow the duration of self isolation guidelines as set forth by the CDC

d. For clarity, if fever remains present, your isolation needs to be continued until the fever resolves without the use of fever reducing medications.

e. If a health care provider informs you that they suspect you have covid 19 you must remain insolation until either

· At least 5 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared

· Your symptoms have improved and you are fever free without the use of fever reducing medications

· You have a negative covid 19 diagnostic test


Your healthcare provider reassesses your diagnosis and concludes that you do not have Covid 19 and you have been fever free for at least 24 hours without using fever reducing medication.

Definition of a close contact (reference only): You have been within 6 feet or closer for a period of 15 minutes or longer within a 24 hour period to a person with a confirmed case of covid 19. A person is considered infectious from 2 days prior to the onset of symptoms. If a person tests positive with no symptoms, they are considered contagious from 2 days prior to the positive test result.

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