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01/02/2022 Updated COVID19 Guidance (OMICRON)


Appendix T1 and Exposure Management Plan Guidance in TK-12 Schools: Appendix T2 have been posted. Changes include:

Protocols for K-12 Schools: Appendix T1

• Strong recommendation for all eligible staff and students to receive a booster dose of a COVID19 vaccine in addition to their primary vaccine series.

• COVID-19 testing required for all close contacts who are permitted to remain in school immediately after exposure, regardless of vaccination or booster status.

• Masking now required for all outdoor activities where physical distancing is not feasible, except while eating or drinking.

• Staff are required to wear upgraded masks (surgical mask or higher-level PPE).

• Students are strongly recommended to wear masks that are well-fitting, non-cloth masks of multiple layers of non-woven material with a nose wire. Exposure Management Plan Guidance in TK-12 Schools: Appendix T2

For those students who cannot tolerate mask wearing due to the impact of their disability, it is strongly recommended that they test twice weekly for the Covid 19 virus.

• Updated quarantine, testing, and masking guidance for persons exposed to COVID-19 in TK-12 schools to align with new CDC and California Department of Public Health isolation and quarantine guidance for the general public.

• Added a requirement for close contacts who are exempt from quarantine to test on Day 5 after the last exposure date, in order to remain in school.

• Clarified that exposed students under modified quarantine at school must continue to monitor their health and mask at all times (indoors, outdoors, and on school buses) for 10 days from the date of last exposure, even if released from quarantine after a negative test on Day 5.

The updated Health Officer Order ENCOURAGING COVID-19 VACCINATION AND BOOSTER DOSE COVERAGE WITH SIGNIFICANT RISK REDUCTION MEASURES was issued on Friday, December 31, 2021. Isolation and Quarantine Requirements are revised to mainly align with the State Public Health Officer's revised Guidance for Local Health Jurisdictions on Isolation and Quarantine of the General Public, released on December 30, 2021.

As soon as practicable, employers should provide and require employees to wear a well-fitting medical grade mask, surgical mask or higher-level respirator.

The Isolation Order has been revised as of December 31, 2021 and supersedes the December 17, 2021 Public Health Emergency Isolation Order. All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, previous infection or lack of symptoms, who reside in the Los Angeles County Health Jurisdiction who have tested positive for or been diagnosed with COVID-19 are required to isolate themselves and follow all instructions in this Order. The Quarantine Order has been revised as of December 31, 2021 and supersedes the November 8, 2021 Public Health Emergency Quarantine Order. The new quarantine ordered has been updated and posted as if the date of recent issue and can be found on the AACA website.

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